Monday, January 31, 2011

Philippine work culture: Government employees.

Just this morning, my thesis partner and I went to the Department of Finance to verify and confirm our application of our practicum program.  We applied in this government department because our classmates who are also doing their on-the-job training there recruited us.
Before going to the department, my thesis partner and I were hyped and are ready for the interview we will be undergoing. When we arrived at the personnel division, everything went fine not until we were directed to head to the division we are designated to. After a 10-minute walk, we arrived in the office. First thing we noticed upon entering the door were loud voices. Employees on that division were talking to each other on the places they have been to. Laughing so hard that one man almost choke with his food. They just acknowledge our presence when their conversation ended and a girl noticed us. That was about 30 to 45 seconds we are already standing in the door, trying to get their attention. They welcomed us as usual and I handed the forms they need to process for us to be admitted. We’ve stayed there for a couple of minutes then we experienced first hand what bad hearsays are there for the government employees.
 During working hours at around 9:30am, we expect employees to do there work. But as we have observed in the office, employees are standing and walking around the room and chatting with other employees. They talk and talk with non-sense topics. Most of the time, we heard dirty jokes. They are talking about what is the best motel to stay in. purely non-sense conversation. It is only around 10am when they started talking about where are they going to eat for lunch and what time are they going to go home later in the afternoon. The conversation continued up until quarter to 11am when we are about to leave.
A realization came into my mind that are our parents work hard and pay taxes to give salaries to these government employees. Dang. They are not even worth every penny we pay for them. They are not doing the right things and the job we expect them to do. I called my mom, who is a special investigator in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. She told me that what I observed happens in every government departments and offices. There were really employees who just come to work to chat, display their newly bought things and boast their non-senses. My mother and I share the same perspective to government employees, we hate how they work. That is the reason why any time soon, she will retire from her work and focus on the businesses that we have. She doesn’t want to be labeled with the stereotype that people think of government employees.  She said that she have served the department with all she can offer and do, but she cannot stand being with such kind of irresponsible people.
In conclusion, my perceptions of government employees just got worsen. But then, I have to deal with those facts since I will have my practicum in a government agency.  For me, I will work there as good as I can be and never waste a time like the others. Having this experience clearly showed me how bad the work culture in Philippine agencies.  

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